Ramallah – Palestine
The Palestinian National Library in Ramallah hosted on Sunday the signing ceremony of a framework agreement for cooperation and partnership between the Ministry of Culture, the Palestinian National Library, and the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency (BMAQ).
The framework agreement aims to support cultural industries, libraries, documentation projects, and the preservation of Jerusalem’s historical archives, reinforcing the city’s civilizational identity as Palestinian, Arab, and Islamic. Additionally, it seeks to highlight Morocco’s presence in Jerusalem through Palestinian historical records and documents.
The framework agreement was signed during the Moroccan-Palestinian Interactive Meeting, held under the theme “Morocco Through Palestinian Eyes.” The event gathered prominent figures, including Issa Qaraqe, President of the Palestinian National Library; Abdel Rahim Meziane, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Palestine; Jad Ghazawi, Deputy of the Ministry of Culture; and Saeed Yaqin, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs. Also present was Mohamed Salem Echarkaoui, Director in charge of running BMAQ.
In this context, the President of the Palestinian National Library emphasized that the agreement “strengthens Morocco’s continued efforts, under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, to support Palestinians across various sectors and reflects the Kingdom’s dedication to upholding the rights of Moroccans in this land,” affirming “the library’s commitment to preserving and providing access to all documents that represent and safeguard these rights.”
In his statement, Ghazawi praised the “exemplary partnership between the Palestinian Ministry of Culture and the Kingdom of Morocco.” He highlighted that this partnership is reflected in the ongoing presence of Palestinian culture and intellectuals in Morocco, demonstrating the Kingdom’s unwavering commitment—under the leadership of His Majesty, preserving the Arab and Islamic identity of the Holy City. He also acknowledged the remarkable efforts of the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency.”
For his part, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Palestine emphasized “the strong Moroccan-Palestinian relations across various fields.” He recalled “the deep-rooted spiritual and social ties that have long united the two brotherly peoples, highlighting Morocco’s commitment to preserving and strengthening these bonds.” He further stressed that “this dedication aligns with the high priority given to the Palestinian cause by HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, as well as a constant in the Kingdom’s foreign policy.”
For his part, Echarkaoui stated, “We are optimistic about the prospects this initiative will create in enhancing collective awareness, including that of future generations, regarding the Palestinian cause, as well as in strengthening the bridges that have always connected Moroccans to this blessed land.”
This will be achieved through the roles played by the Bayt Al-Maqdis Research and Studies Center at the Agency’s headquarters in Rabat, the Moroccan Cultural Center in Jerusalem’s Old City, the “Arribat” Monitoring and Evaluation Observatory in Sheikh Jarrah, and the Moroccan Studies Chair, which was launched this